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Fear of Alone

I was afraid to be alone, Because I thought that once I was, The sadness I had held at bay for so long, Would bring tears that never end.

Not Done With You Yet

A story told, that was not yours to tell. A part of me taken, that was not yours to take. The Path on which you led me, that never was mine. The life I created, made me feel like a fake. Emotions unhandled, dreams that were lost, Parts of me fell, others were tossed. Grasping …

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Noticing Nature

The beauty surrounds Not noticed by I, Up in my head Through my thoughts I do fly. My body on auto My head takes control, Through thoughts never ending My brain’s endless scroll. Unbalanced I feel As I notice my state, A conscious upheaval As my mind’s gears grate. I notice my breath, How I …

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Release in the Stillness

I cry because I feel alone. I cry because I feel I have lost Love. I cry because I feel I may never have the Love I want, the family I desire, the life I yearn for… And yet… There is Love in my life. There is friendship in my life. My wonderful daughters are …

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