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Yes, You Can Have Boundaries At Work

I’m here to tell you that yes, you can have boundaries at work. Now you might be thinking, “Sure Robert, you can have boundaries. But the industry I work in requires crazy hours and if I don’t work those hours I’m not going to get ahead.” I hear you. Trust me – I hear you. …

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A Mourning Journey

The dark knell of the wind chime, Sounding in the dark, On this morning’s journey, Forward I embark.   How best described the way I feel, What comes from deep inside, The churning chaos, anguish, Love, I often try to hide.   The spongy ground beneath my feet, Nowhere to run or hide, Feelings allowed, …

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This Is Me

I am an emotionally intense, gifted individual with unique needs and desires. I love passionately. I feel deeply. I aspire to live always with an open heart. I’m full ass, and pour myself into that which excites me. I strive to be who I am, radically stripping away that which is not truly me. I …

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Recovering, Me

As I was taught, I gave up, myself. Until I knew I had given, everything. Too much. Too much. I must find, recover, rediscover, me. Endings. Beginnings. All within myself.

From Dreams, Dust

I had so many dreams for us, And now those dreams are naught but dust. I dreamed of growing old together, It lays dead, from broken trust. I dreamed of travels, adventures grand, On shaky foundations, it could not stand. I dreamed of loving partnership, It turned out nothing like I had planned. So young …

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It’s At Times Like These

I’ve noticed that when I’m tired, things are the hardest, and my emotions are the heaviest. It’s at times like these when I consider abandoning my needs for my wants. It’s at times like these when I feel I’ll do just about anything for relief. It’s at times like these when I question if the …

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