It’s At Times Like These

I’ve noticed that when I’m tired, things are the hardest, and my emotions are the heaviest.

It’s at times like these when I consider abandoning my needs for my wants.
It’s at times like these when I feel I’ll do just about anything for relief.
It’s at times like these when I question if the Path I’m on is the right one.
It’s at times like these when I cry the hardest.
It’s at times like these when I question if my choice to be alone right now is the right one.
It’s at times like these, when I’m not alone, I still feel the most alone I’ve ever felt.

And it’s at times like these, I can listen for that little voice inside, speaking ever so quietly, letting me know…

It’s at times like these when you feel completely broken, I Love you all the more.
It’s at times like these when have the most compassion for you.
It’s at times like these when I hold you in my arms, allowing what is to simply be.
It’s at times like these when I reassure you, that the Path you’ve chosen is Right and Good.
It’s at times like these when I let you know, that you’ve never ever been alone.

And it’s at times like these when I see your Soul, and I hear You, and I see You.

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